Tuesday, August 8, 2017

7 / 19

It was a little boy's birthday at the Anganwadi today so we got to sing to him and we handed out special treats! They were very similar to Twinkies but, similar to many other cookies and snacks we have had, they were butter flavored. It sounds gross at first but the more you think about it it's easier to see that it actually should be and was weirdly delicious. It was also one of our more rainy mornings with the kids and we were forced to stay inside the tiny unlit room with all of the kids. It was actually a blessing to watch how unfazed they all were by the massive storm and the games that they created and started playing. We were also allowed to pleasure to teach them how to make paper snowflakes! I'm not sure that they knew what they were supposed to resemble, but they loved cutting and coloring the papers.

I've recently realized that I am very tired, not in the way that I need sleep because we have had plenty of it, but in the way that we haven't had solid protein this entire trip and we've been going going going this whole time. I'm not complaining of the action because I love everything we are doing and I'm going to push through to experience this amazing opportunity, but I am definitely feeling the wariness.

When we got back for lunch we saw a glorious site: spring rolls and potato slices. The difference in style of food was a gift in itself, but those rolls and basically potato chips were delicious.

It's Quincy Foster's birthday today. I know I didn't know her and I'm not in Haiti, but being with these children just reminds me of what she loved so dearly and I send my heart out to her spirit right now.

This afternoon we worked on some portrait lighting techniques as well as went over interview basics. We were instructed to go to our rooms and as a group film an interview of one of us talking about our day so far. My room finished fairly early as we got to use one the only microphones first and there were multiple of us who had done things similar to this before. Carly and I showed Rahit and Rahul what we had done and then the four of us just chatted while we waited on the other rooms to finish. It was really awesome to talk to these brothers about their lives and what they do. We asked a lot of questions about their job as well as their lifestyles here in India as they live in Dheli which offers quite a different lifestyle then here in a village in the Himalayas, but it was cool to hear the differences.

After dinner and mentor groups we were gifted ice cream floats! The ice cream was not too different than basic American vanilla except a slight flavor difference, but when paired with the Coke or Fanta, it was a very welcomed gift.

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